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Hi! I’m William,

A young Lutheran theologian

Honestly, my theological history is just a story of me being more and more reactionary, which isn't entirely a good thing but hey, at least it's honest. I was raised Lutheran, but my interest in theology was born around Sophomore year of high school when I went to a Pentecostal evening service of some kind and, being very put off by it but not knowing why, went through what I now realize is a kind of "deconstruction" phase of rebuilding my understanding of the faith from the ground up. I started with apologetics, watching many debates and videos, especially those put out by RZIM, so that I could get a solid understanding of the faith, and since that was much of my education and I grew up in the Bible-belt, I ended up with a kind of general evangelical mindset until I stumbled upon Pr. Wolfmueller's YouTube channel where I fell in love with Lutheran theology again. From there, I hit the ground running and after much wrestling decided I want to be a Lutheran pastor, which is still my current career plan. After visiting the seminary in Ft. Wayne, I made some friends there and became interested in patristic theology, and this especially picked up while my friend was considering a conversion into Eastern Orthodoxy. I still am especially interested in the fathers, and my other interests include cryptids, mythology, politics, as well as Dungeons and Dragons and Pokémon for fun. 


I pray Christ would, through this blog, bless each and every one of you and bring us all into a greater knowledge of the truth. Amen.

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